Monday, December 27, 2010

Yesterday message at church was titled"Life in the Trenches".  It was about soldiers in the trenches in WW1 during Christmas. One group was British and the other was German. Stuck in the trenches at Christmas.

On Christmas day there was a cease fire. About 2am the Britches saw lights around trees on the German side. The Germans had lit some trees on their side and started singing Oh Tanenbaum . The Britches solders sang a Christmas song and back and forth they went. One German solder yelled out " come out and talk to us. The Britches said " you come out". Eventually they both came out of their fox holes and was talking to each other. They both found out how alike they were. Both wished their was no war.

The magic of Christmas is that people become more open minded toward each other. That once a year They come out of themselves and really try to touch each others hearts. Some people say it should be like this all year round. True it should be but if we didn't have this season there would not be this amount of giving.

This season opens our hearts and gives us permission to reach out to each other. A season of giving. So thank goodness  for this season of PEACE.

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