Thursday, December 30, 2010


Did you know that we can do magic, all of us.We are extremely magical creatures. We can do what no other animal can. We can reason and choose. And because of being able to reason and choose we can choose to forgive.

To forgive is the biggest magic we have.It does not happen over night. It takes time sometimes years.

Forgiving is a process of setting yourself free from your own jail.

For me IT started with a 12 step program. Then a group for adult children from dysfunctional families and then individual counseling. Like I said it's a process.

My magical powers slowly came to me through love. People who loved me till I could love myself.    My childhood had left me with little self confidence, low self esteem ,lots of anger and little power over my own life.

I was in complete victim mode. I had to learn what I was responsible for and what I was not. I could not change my childhood and I had to know IT WAS NOT MY FAULT. It was nothing I did or said. In that case I was the victim.

I had to get out of that mode. I was dealing with adult problems in my childhood survival mode.      It was now time to take back my power.I would no longer be a puppet. I was manipulated and controlled by my parents in every way they interferenced with my life. Their biggest manipulation was fear.Al ways telling me what I could not do. They were so worried for my safety so I could not live by myself.. I was not strong enough to do anything on my own away from them. They smother my growth as a human being and just about made me helpless. This NOT LOVE.

It took alot of time before I could understand they did the best with what they had and that was not much.

A GREAT man once said ,when someone asked him how many time should I forgive, the response was seventy times seven. To me this means there are steps to forgiveness and we just keep forgiving till we one day we realize, we have forgiven. It is a process and we must work on it with a group or individual counceling.Maybe you won't need as much as I did but get help. It is the adult thing to do.

You can't imagine how good it feels to forgive. The eminence freedom, the gift of owning your own power and being the the most powerful magician in the world because you have the gift to forgive and magically bring your self PEACE..

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