Friday, February 25, 2011

Building Another Path

The world is not much different than in times past. Different people different time.

LETS see now. When I was growing up there were songs sung about war and the need for change. I remember one song saying "The world won't get no better if you just let it be. We gotta change it both you and me."
Then there was the song War and the song talking about fat men sitting in their fat chair with their fat cigars with out a care.

These songs were in the 60's and70's but they still apply to today.The world lives out the same situations over and over again. Wouldn't you think they would learn from the past.?

We think because it's a different time everything is different. Those of us smart enough to read our history books knows that's not the case.Wow what a depressing thought that is..

Well I have some good news. Just because the world keeps making the same mistakes. Doesn't mean we have to as individuals.

Did you know the only person you can change is yourself. When we keep doing the same things wrong or just making mistaks over and over that is because we didn't learn from the first painful mistake .  So we are doomed to repeat the same mistake over and over untill we change our path. This is done through awareness.

This awareness for me came from people in my life. They gave  me these awareness so I could change for the better and stop hitting my head against a stone wall. (Do you know how much that hurts) My mentors gave me knowledge on how act and not react to people and circumstances. I needed a whole new set of tools to build another path. This is also called enlightenment. With that awareness, that enlightenment we will start to walk in peace.

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